Featured FACE!
We were flattered (and also embarrassed) by the feature on us in the local Resident's journal this month! It is great that Furzedown is...
Special Thank you's
A big thank you to everyone from Graveney who helped us put on this event. The pupils who volunteered and helped prepare the food, serve...
Special Thanks to Sadiq
Our local MP has been amazingly supportive of our work, giving up his time and donating prizes for our raffle. His openeing speech was...
Amazing 2013 FACE Quiz Night!
What a wonderful event! Furzedown came out in force and the event was packed. The night began with a few words from Jane, whose daughter...
Sadiq Khan MP will be opening our quiz tomorrow
Delighted that our hard working MP Sadiq Khan, will be opening our Quiz night tomorrow, he's been very supportive and is also offering a...
Raffle tickets for sale on Moyser Road
This weekend we're hoping to sell our Charity Raffle tickets on Moyser Road in one of the lovely Cafes, Please drop by, they're only £1!...
Little bar....big heart
The lovely Little Bar at the bottom of Church Lane has offered us a great prize for our quiz night on 5 October. @LittleBarSW17 WIN a...
3rd Annual Quiz Night
Only a couple of weeks to the big event in Furzedown. Please let us know if you want to come so we can reserve your seats - as teams of...
What a pair!
The fundraising office in St George's is proudly displaying our cheques - a whopping £7,200 handed over this year!
BIG cheque presented to St George's
The FACE team were proud to hand over this cheque for £4,200 to help teenagers with cancer in St George's Hospital, they were very...